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Project code | LISBOA-02-0651-FEDER-014406

Objective | Design, development, construction and availability of a technological platform capable of interconnecting in an innovative way all the main players in the Civil Aviation activity, supporting the overall responsibility of the CAAs and becoming in the long term a supplier of world reference for this important sector of the economic activity

City Reference | Lisboa

Entity | CASR.Co, Civil Aviation Software, LDA


Approval date | 16-04-2016

Start date | 01-01-2016

Completion date | 31-12-2016

Total Eligible Cost | 567.290,00 Euros

Assigned support: |  372,995.00 Euros

Financial support from the European Union | FEDER, FSE

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Project title | PROJETOS INDIVIDUAIS - Internacionalização

Project code | LISBOA-02-0752-FEDER-021085

Objective | Design, development, construction and availability of a technological platform capable of interconnecting in an innovative way all the main players in the Civil Aviation activity, supporting the overall responsibility of the CAAs and becoming in the long term a supplier of world reference for this important sector of the economic activity

City Reference | Lisboa

Entity | CASR.Co, Civil Aviation Software, LDA


Approval date | 31-10-2016

Start date | 01-06-2016

Completion date | 31-05-2019

Total Eligible Cost | 320.073,76 Euros

Assigned support: | 128.029,50 Euros

Financial support from the European Union | FEDER, FSE